The balance of the world is deeply shaken when malevolent gods known as the Four Perils break their seals and disappear together with eight million minor deities. In the absence of gods, lands become barren and famine looms in the country of the Eight Immortals. In order to restore the fragile harmony, kashi—gifted dancers and singers—must hunt the missing gods in other realms, use their performance skills to charm the deities, and seal them using the power of their rosaries.
Although a master dancer, Ichiyou is ridiculed by his peers for his lack of singing talent. Nonetheless, the young kashi is tasked by the Eight Immortals to bring back the Four Perils before the world plunges into complete chaos. Helped by his familiars Tenkou and Kaka, Ichiyou embarks on the perilous mission given to him, with his search leading him to modern-day Japan. If he hopes to save the world, Ichiyou must also uncover the truth behind the Four Perils' disappearance—but this event seems to be disturbingly intertwined with his own past.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]